
Certificate in Aligner Orthodontics


Want to know what kind of malocclusion cases can be treated by aligner?
Join the course to learn how to case select correctly to give the satisfactory outcome that both your patients and yourself like.
This course is for general dentists who wish to expand their clinical repertoire into orthodontics to provide a wholesome treatment for their patients.

Course Details

Module Directors: Dr Wong Dai Chong, Dr Mohanarajah s/o S. Senathirajah,

Panel of Lecturers: 
-Dr. Wong Dai Chong
BDS (Singapore),
M Orth RCS (Edinburgh),
MDS (Orthodontics) (Singapore),
FAMS (Singapore)


-Dr. Mohanarajah s/o S. Senathirajah
BDS (Singapore),
MDS (Orthodontics) (Singapore),
M Orth RCS (Edinburgh)


-A/P Hwang Yee Cheau
BDS (Singapore),
MSc Ortho (London),
Dip. Ortho RCS (Eng),
M Ortho RCS (Eng),
FDSRCS (Glasgow),
FAM (Singapore)


-Dr. Hwang Jun Hyuk
DMD (Boston University, USA)



Lecture topics:

  1. Examination & Diagnosis
    Recognise complexities associated with different types of malocclusion
    Formulate a problem list and treatment plan
    Case evaluation and selection
    Prepare patients to start treatment
  2. Invisalign pre-training course
  3. Invisalign training course and accreditation
  4. Introduction to Clincheck and workflow in Clincheck
    Anchorage control, space closure, anterior-posterior movement, usage of adjunct accessories
    Risk management
    Delivery of aligner
  5. Cl I malocclusion including inter proximal reduction, expansion and distalization of posterior teeth
  6. Management of vertical correction, including anterior open bite & deep bite through extrusion, intrusion, bite ramps, elastics, etc.
    Understanding everything about retention
  7. Management of anterior-posterior correction, including increased or reduced overjet
  8. Management of transverse correction, including crossbites and asymmetry
  9. Case discussion, including management of Cl II & III malocclusioncrossbites



(A) Minimal requirement: Management of 2 clinical cases of Cl I malocclusion using an aligner system.


(B) Examination: 2hrs

  1. Written exam: Multiple choice and short questions (60 marks).
  2. Oral exam: Case presentation (2 cases) and treatment planning (40 marks).


Average teacher-student ratio: 1 : 20 (for lecture).


For enquiries, please contact our staff at 9831 4091 (Christina) or 9385 5702 (Lloyd)

Course Available Period
May 2025: 4 Lectures/ 48Hrs (Part Time)
Course Fees