
Certificate in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


The Minor Oral Surgery module offers an introductory course to trainees looking to advance their interest and general skill in surgical tooth excision, in particular lower wisdom tooth. The course consists of didactic and practical demonstration sessions conducted in an interactive learning environment as well as chair-side supervision.

Course Details

Module director:

Dr. Yong Loong Tee
BDS (Singapore),
FRACDS (Australia),
MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) (Singapore),
FAMS (Singapore)


Duration: From Feb 2024 to Mar 2024

Learning Objectives:

Able to perform systematic surgical examination and diagnosis
Able to take relevant radiographs correctly to identify challenges of surgical removal
Able to exercise sound case selections while preventing common surgical complications
Conduct infection control procedures and aseptic techniques in minor oral surgery
Able to perform local anaesthesia with confidence
Able to execute surgical excision of simple impacted lower wisdom tooth and the appropriate suturing technique
Able to manage common surgical challenges and complications


Average teacher-student ratio: 1 : 20 (for lecture).


Clinical case requirement: 3 cases of simple impacted wisdom teeth excision

Assessment: Didactic, Demonstration & Examination – 15 hrs



Course Available Period
Coming soon (Part Time)
Course Fees